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I Am Done With Trying To Just Heal The Violence Created By Men.

I think it is time to speak less and do more. The only people who truly make a difference, are those who do what is needed to create change. 

I think everyone else is just watching, philosophizing, procrastinating, or maintaining the order of the systems we say we hate. Then there are those in spiritual battle who are creating poverty and war, while we (the people) maintain it and then some fight it everyday.

I don’t think I am any different to anyone else. We are all humans. The only thing that will matter in the end is our good deeds and how faithful we’ve been to God. But I can understand someone’s pain, without accepting their behavior. So we resist, but I’m coming to the conclusion more and more that my opinion is irrelevant, at least projecting it onto the world regularly...

 Does it make a difference? Well it’s difficult to quantify, Right now I am done with trying to just heal the violence created by men. We need to build villages, support communities, create schools, for now we are creating a network, we have to work together, it doesn’t matter your bank balance, your skin pigmentation (shade of melanin) in a war against people who face structural violence, you have to pick a side, then organise your life to do good. It matters only what you do, your work in life will speak for your life in death. Are you creating or are you destroying and if neither, what are you maintaining?


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